(Project 52} Sleep

Project 52: Stay Awake is a weekly challenge to stay awake and become more present with our lives. This year-long project is led by Shawn Ledington Fink of Awesomely Awake and Beryl Ayn Young, a momtographer. 

Week 1: Sleep 

I used to be a 6-8hr sleeper. But these days, getting at least a 5-hour sleep is almost a luxury. It's an unhealthy lifestyle which I am sure will catch up with me soon but it was a sacrifice I took when I decided to work at home.

What has sleep deprivation got to do with staying at home?

Well, I've always wanted to work-from-home. I prayed for it and I did get it. The catch is, it's a night shift job. I work at night until the wee hours of the morning then sleep (suppose to sleep, that is) during the day. But sleeping while the sun is up is not as easy at it seems. And in many instances, I do not get enough zzzzs. Most weekends, especially Friday to Saturday, I am awake 24hrs straight to catch up on family time.

Bedtime rituals
My own bedtime ritual would consist of making the room as dark as possible. This is easier during the rainy season when the skies are almost always gloomy. Then I read a bit or do some internet surfing on my phone until I feel sleepy.

On the other hand, when it's my son's turn to sleep at night, I read him a book or two, shower him with tickles and kisses and then I tuck him in with his favorite caterpillar stuff toy. My husband and I do this alternately.

During my 'lunch break', which is around 1-2am, I take 30min naps beside him.

My son's book collection

My son's favorite caterpillar stuff toy

A Perfect Evening
I love weekends because this is the time when I get to sleep beside my family at normal hours, and that means at night. Just last night I woke up at 10:30pm with my son's arms around me. Love it!

How about you? Any bedtime rituals that you do regularly? What is your idea of a perfect evening? Share it on the comments below or better yet, share with the Project 52 community. It's not too late to join.


  1. I just took a day job after working almost 9years on the night shift and my life already seems to be falling into place! My schedule was a little different than yours with rotating days off that usually didn't land on my kids' days off. But I know how great the feeling is to actually be able to be present for bed/night time. :)

  2. Hi Emily! Thanks for dropping by. Yeah, night shift is really a big challenge. I'm glad you're doing the day shift now. I hope that's for good =)


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